The traditional form of income
for the Church in Australia is the voluntary offerings of the faithful through
two collections each Sunday.
The first collection is used to
support clergy and the second collection is for funding the Parish Office,
Presbytery and Church costs. This includes repairs and maintenance, office
costs, staffing, pastoral resources and programs and the good works of the
Please contact the Parish Office
on 66621025 if you would like further information about joining our Planned
Giving Program. There are a number of options to facilitate contributions
including Planned Giving Envelopes, direct debit payments and electronic fund
Please contact the Parish Office
after 1 July each year to obtain a tax receipt for eligible donations made up
until 31 December 2020. From 1 January 2021 there is no longer a tax-deductible
component for donations made to the second collection.
Thank you to all those who have
contributed to our Parish, we are most grateful for your continued support.